After using my Canon 5D Mark IV for over 3 years I decided it was time to change camera, and I purchased the Fuji X-T3. This wasn’t a decision I made lightly, and it was one I pondered over for many many months. The Canon 5D Mark IV is an excellent camera and with it I had a number of excellent lenses, unfortunately with that comes a lot of weight which isn’t ideal when walking long distances for landscape photography. Also mirrorless technology brings a lot of new features which I felt could benefit my photography, for example the EVF, seeing the histogram in the viewfinder and much more.
One of the first images I captured when testing the Fujifilm X-T3.
So eventually I bought the Fuji X-T3 and two lenses as my initial purchase and began a test period where I put the camera and these lenses through their paces. I wanted to ensure I would be happy with the camera and the quality of images it and the lenses produced. The short answer is that I am.
If you’d like to know the full details of my change, the lenses I’ve bought and why, what I think of the image quality and see some of the first images I captured with the Fuji X-T3 then you can watch my video on my YouTube channel here.